Monday, May 9, 2011

I wear clothes.

You might, too, which is comforting because we probably have that in common. For the past two years I've been consuming blogs like it's my job or like they're my friends or like I don't have anything better to do. (For the record, I probably do.) After simply reading other blogs for this long, I want to contribute to the conversation... or just talk to myself...
My point is I like clothes and I have yet to meet anyone where I currently live who thinks as highly of them as I do. I try to explain it to the few people I've foolishly divulged this information, and I can never properly explained my views because I'm sort of still figuring them out. I have no idea what I'll be doing or where I'll be living in five years, so why should I decide what I think of what I will be wearing in five years? Those probably aren't analogous.
To make myself seem too highbrow to handle, here is one of my favorite Dave Eggers quotes:

"It's fashion, and I don't like fashion, because fashion does not matter."

It's probably true- I don't really care what other people are wearing because it's in, and I don't really care if other people don't understand why I like clothes. I'm more concerned with the aesthetic and the ideas behind the clothes, or the visceral reaction I have when immediately seeing a collection and the pieces that stick out months or years after. Basically, I like clothes, and I like talking about clothes because I wear clothes most of the time I'm not bathing. I might discuss other things, like how vague the word thing is, but expect some words about clothes.

Clothing wearer,


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